Education on antimicrobial resistance in Europe

Current situation – needs analysis – recommendations

This report has identified key recommendations for EU Member States to enhance their AMR education programmes. This work also highlights 4 areas of research that should be boosted in the next years.

Key findings after the desk research in Portugal, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Lithuania and Italy:

  • there is a lack of integration of the One Health approach in general healthcare education at all levels in the target countries
  • the rate of implementation of educational aspects of the AMR national action plans is currently low
  • there is a lack of standardised national education for healthcare professionals on recommended topics for AMR education
  • educational availability on AMR is not unified across the various healthcare workers
Healthcare workers: nurse, pharmacist, doctor

The AMR EDUCare project develops educational materials for healthcare professionals – doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and healthcare managers – to reduce the spread and exposure to antimicrobial resistance, focusing on optimizing antimicrobial prescription and managing antimicrobial waste.

The unique teaching methodology integrates clinical and technical topics with soft skills, such as effective patient communication, digital skills, and behaviour change interventions.

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Courses on antimicrobial resistance
EU co-funded project

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.